Fingerprinting Services

The Virginia State Police Headquarters located at 7700 Midlothian Turnpike, North Chesterfield Virginia can handle your fingerprinting needs during the hours of 9 a.m. through 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. They can be reached at (804) 674-2000.

We offer fingerprinting for Non-Criminal Purposes as one of our identification services. We work with families and businesses to obtain fingerprints and identification cards for adults as well as children. Our identification cards consist of the same fingerprint information as the Virginia State Police Department utilizes for non criminal reporting. Our identification cards also contain specific information such as a list of emergency family member contact information as well as listings for allergies, medications, and physician contact information.

We suggest that these forms be kept in a safe deposit box at your bank for safekeeping.

Our fees start at $40.00, which includes coming to your location and completing up to 4 fingerprint cards.

Call us today for a quote for group fingerprinting. 

Our local service area consists of 20 miles driving distance from Midlothian Virginia.